Thought I would share it with you all as this is something that i really believe should happen! We cannot blame the media for every persons negative self confidence and as the cause of eating disorders but many of us do look at those 'perfect' images and wish that could be us, you finish reading a magazine sometimes and feel so rubbish! As I said before it is not the sole cause of anything but it is a step towards change.
Many people especially younger, think these images are real as they are not told any different in the magazine. We look at say a top in a catalogue, and we wouldnt be very happy if, when we reicieved this, it actually looked totally differet because it had been photoshopped (if we were told beforehand though it would be a different story), so why should this be any different with models etc.. in magazines?
We all need to keep following in the footsteps of the likes of MP Jo Swinson with her Campaign for Body Confidence which already has stopped a couple of campaigns going out that were extremely untouched and continue to make a difference.