Sunday, 26 February 2012

Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2012

Last week was Eating Disorders Awareness Week in the UK, and today, Sunday 26th February 2012, the event leaps across the pond to the USA.

The aim of the week is to encourage discussion surrounding, and more understanding of eating disorders. The overwhelming response to the week on network television, social networking sites and in the press in Britain was confirmation that, in the Western World, we’re in the grips of an epidemic – With more and more people coming forward and breaking the conspiracy of silence which so often surrounds food and body image related problems.

Yet, despite all this great work in highlighting the experience of anorexics and, occasionally, bulimics, there are still huge gaps in our understanding of what an eating disorder is, and the wide ranging nature of their effect.

That’s what prompted me to write my book ‘Hope with Eating Disorders’. I wanted to acknowledge the huge spectrum of eating disorders out there – From compulsive exercise, binge eating and diet pill addiction to secret night eating. There are those who dip in and out of dangerous eating and exercise behaviours, appearing to the outside world to be ‘normal’ but inside consumed by guilt, shame and obsession.

The Body Gossip campaign, who will receive a donation from every one of my books sold, attempted to highlight this during ED Awareness Week UK (although interestingly their angle was not picked up by the British press) – They filled a billboard with pictures of people representing a variety of shapes, sizes, colours, genders, sexualities and backgrounds and challenged the public to spot those who had suffered, or were currently suffering from an eating disorder. On average, passers by selected three of the photographs. They were then shocked to discover that every one of the pictures on the board was of a past or present sufferer. We’re so used to seeing pictures of skeletal teenage girls in features about eating disorders, most of us simply don’t have the capacity to recognise the illnesses when the victim is male, older or heavier.

There are literally hundreds of ways to have an eating disorder, and most of them do not involve weighing 70 lbs.

Yet even more crucial, in my opinion, is the need to acknowledge all the people who’s lives are affected  by eating disorders. Every sufferer we see represents a group of parents, siblings, extended family, friends, teachers and colleagues who are enduring the detrimental ramifications of the illness.

Parents of eating disorder patients, in particular, feel desperate, lonely, misunderstood and confused. I know this because I was one. My beautiful daughter has now recovered from the anorexia which blighted her early teens and impacted the lives of her twin sister, myself, her father and everyone who knew her. As carers everywhere struggle to make sense of the illogical mentality which categorizes eating disorders, I know better than anyone that what they are searching for is clear, unbiased information, understanding and, above all, hope.

Eating disorders do not have to be a life sentence. They do not have to tear families apart, destroy friendships and careers. They can be conquered.

Eating disorders are vanquished with the knowledge that, just as every sufferer is unique, so will be their path to recovery. Recovery is also a joint effort – Friends and family are intrinsic to the process and my book aims to give them all the information, inspiration and hope they need.

So, this Eating Disorders Awareness Week, please take a moment to think of all the people struggling to cope with the illness of a loved-one – They are often silent heroes, struggling to battle a condition which threatens not only the life of the sufferer, but the stability of their family unit, or friendship group. They will endure temper tantrums, accusations, refusal to engage in conversation or discussions dominated by nothing but food, seemingly endless meal times, arguments, friends who cannot understand and will distance themselves and treatments that do not work.

If you know a friend, parent, sibling or colleague of someone with an eating disorder, why not give them a call this week to see how they are doing? Your support and understanding will help to give them the strength and hope they need.

For more information about my book go to :

For more information about Body Gossip go to

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Update! 'HOPE with Eating Disorders'

Thank you to Andy and his brilliant team at DDM Marketing for all their hard work updating the book pages on my website, Would love to hear your comments. xx

Also now you can pre-order my book through my website! Click the image below.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

The Truth Behind Common Eating Disorder Myths

Kenneth L. Weiner, M.D., FAED, CEDS

When I read this blog, i was speechless­. I am so happy that these extremely harmful myths are finally being put straight.

I am a therapist that specialize­s in eating disorders and I have just written a book called 'HOPE with Eating Disorders' that is being published by Hay House on April 2nd 2012. The book is aimed at carers of eating disorder sufferers, a group of people that often get forgotten but suffer just as much.

I am so pleased that this article explores the real truths about eating disorders, and these should be known by everyone. The fact that eating disorders are stereotype­d to woman, makes it so much more difficult for male sufferers to seek help. If you are a male sufferer and want to seek support please visit www.menget­­uk

Also what I believe is one of the most harmful myths and can stunt the recovery process is that the parents are to blame and they cannot assist in recovery..­.i beleive this could not be so wrong, as this article also states, the parents are not to blame and they actually can be the most powerful to assist in recovery.

Lastly i am so pleased that this article brings HOPE, and the truth that there can be full and lasting recovery from an eating disorder as my beautiful daughter and my many clients prove.